Can Acromegaly Be Treated by Ayurveda?
The excessive growth hormone in the body gives rise to a rare condition known as “acromegaly”. This is due to a pituitary gland tumor called pituitary adenoma. When acromegaly happens, it increases the size of your bones, face, hands, and feet. Mostly middle-aged adults are affected by this condition. In children when there is too much growth hormone it leads to a situation known as gigantism. The children with this condition suffer from an abnormal increase in height and bone growth.
Acromegaly is an uncommon condition that gradually causes physical changes. If acromegaly is not treated at a proper time, then it can cause a life-threatening situation. The usual onset of this condition is middle age.
What are the signs and Symptoms of Acromegaly?
- Enlargement of feet and hands
- Enlarged face
- Thickened, oily, coarse skin
- Foul body odor with excessive sweating
- Skin tags in the body
- Muscle weakness
- Fatigue
- Vision impaired
- Headache
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hypertrichosis
- Enlargement of tongue
- The excessive snoring due to obstruction of upper airways
- Pain in joints
- Limited mobility of joints
- In women menstrual irregularities
- In men erectile dysfunction
- Enlargement of an organ like the heart
- Loss of interest in sexual life
- Tingling sensation in hands and feet
- Voice becomes deeper
- The excessive gap between the teeth
- Large Jaw
What are the Causes of Acromegaly?
The excessive production of growth hormone causes acromegaly that results from a tumor. A pituitary adenoma is a type of tumor in the pituitary gland which may be a non-cancerous or a benign tumor. This tumor makes pituitary gland to produce excess growth hormone that ultimately leads to abnormal growth. These pituitary tumors are not inherited from parents. It may appear due to genetic change of a cell in the gland. These adenomas are non-malignant that do not spread to the other parts of the body. Some of the symptoms of pituitary adenoma are impaired vision and headache. Sometimes, non-pituitary tumors are also responsible for acromegaly. Tumors in other parts of the body like pancreas, lungs. These types of tumor release growth hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormones.
In this condition, the acromegaloid features are seen without any increase in growth hormone and IGF-1.
Which Types of Complications do You Face in Acromegaly?
Acromegaly can lead to different health issues that are mentioned below in detail:
- Osteoarthritis
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Goiter
- Loss of vision
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sleep apnea
- Polyps (precancerous growth)
- Spinal cord compression
- Heart failure
- Colorectal cancer
- Kidney failure
- Liver fibrosis
- Arthritis
- Optic chiasm gets compressed
- Palmar sweating gets increased
Treatment of acromegaly on right time can prevent the complications. Some of these complications lead to death.
What are the Facts About Acromegaly?
The different facts of acromegaly are:
- This condition results from too much production of growth hormone in the body.
- Acromegaly can cause deformities, swollen hands, and feet. It also affects the strength of the muscles and bones.
- The acromegaly is caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland.
- The conventional treatment of this condition involves medicines, surgery, and radiotherapy.
How Acromegaly can be Diagnosed?
There are different tests that can make a perfect diagnosis of this condition:
- Tests that measure the other pituitary hormones in the body.
- IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor-1): This is a hormone produced in the liver. The patient with acromegaly produces a high level of growth hormone that stimulates the production of IGF-1.
- OGTT (Oral glucose tolerance test): It is an accurate test for getting an exact reading of growth hormone.
- MRI brain scan: This scan finds out the location and size of the tumor.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Acromegaly
According to the Ayurvedic point of view, any type of tumor is correlated with “arbuda”. The imbalance of all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are responsible for it. So, for treating acromegaly Planet Ayurveda offers a pack known as “Crab Care Pack” that will stop the growth of tumor in the body.
This pack comprises of various products that are mentioned below in detail:
1. Ashwagandha Capsules
These capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb “Ashwagandha”. This herb acts as a nervine tonic. As it balances the whole nervous system. These capsules will maintain the extra growth hormone in the body that is responsible for acromegaly.
Dosage: Take two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
2. Curcumin Capsules
The standardized extract of herb “Turmeric” (Haridra) is used for the formation of the capsules. The antioxidant nature of these capsules helps in detoxification of the body. Hence, provide good result in acromegaly.
हरिद्रा कञ्चनि पित्ता निशाख्य वरवर्णिनी। कृमिघ्नी हल्दी योषितिप्रिया हट्टविलासनी
(Bhavprakash Nighantu Haritkayadi varg 196)
This shloka represents the synonyms of turmeric in Sanskrit like Haridra, kanchani, pitta, nishakhya, varvarnani, krimighani, haldi, yoshitipriya, hatvilasani.
Dosage: Take two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
3. Tulsi Capsules
These capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb “Ocimum sanctum” that maintains the overall health. The capsules give effective result in acromegaly condition.
Dosage: Take two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
4. Kachnaar Guggul
These are classical herbal tablets that give effective results in acromegaly. The use of these tablets stops the growth of tumor in the body. Kachnaar tablets are prepared from ingredients like Kachnaar bark (Bauhinea variegate), Varaun bark (Crataeva nurvala), Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanica), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Triphala (Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Emblica officinalis), etc. that in combination give good results.
Dosage: Take two tablets thrice daily with plain water.
5. Chanderprabha Vati
These are classical herbal tablets that are prepared to form various herbal ingredients. The tablets maintain the overall functions of the body. Chanderprabha Vati tablets treat the signs and symptoms of acromegaly.
Dosage: Take two tablets thrice daily with plain water after meals.
6. Guggul Capsules
The capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb Commiphora mukul. These capsules maintain healthy cell growth in the body. It provides good result in acromegaly.
Dosage: Take two capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.