Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stone with Home Remedies

According to this Shloka
Prodromal symptoms of kidney stones are
- Pain in groin region
- Anorexia
- Urine retention
- Pain in penis
- Fever due to urine retention
- Weakness
- Foul smell in urine
Reference: Sushrut Samhita (Nidan sthan) Chapter-3 and shloka- 5
What are Kidney Stones?
As Per the Ayurveda Aspect
Kidney stones are correlated to Mutra ashmari. Ashmari comprises of two words- ashma and ari, in which ashma means stone and ari means enemy. It is a disease of mutravahastrotas (urinary tract) which involves the formation of stones and results in severe pain. It is mentioned in Ayurveda texts and four types of calculi have been described.
- Sleshmaashmari: Stones are white and as big as a hen’s egg.
- Pittaashamari: Stones are yellowish, reddish or blackish in color that resembles the color of honey and bhallatak seeds.
- Vataashamari: Stones are hard, irregular and bluish dusty in color and are spiky like kadamba.
- Sukraashmari: Stones occur in individuals due to the suppression of ejaculation for a longer time. Semen gets obstructed and condensed in between the scrotum and penis by the Vata dosha that causes dysuria, scrotal swelling as well as inflammation and abdominal pain.
As Per Modern Aspect
Kidney stones are the hard depositions form in the kidneys and these travel throughout the urinary tract and expulsion of these stones are extremely painful. These are the most common calcium oxalate that creates hard deposits.
These are also called as calculi or urolithiasis and dehydration is the most common causative factor in the development of renal stones. Dehydration increases the chances of minerals and salt compounds sticking together. Some small stones may pass on their own without causing any symptoms but large stones are very painful and may require medical attention.
What are the Causes of Kidney Stones?
Dehydration is the main cause of it in the body. These are most commonly found in those individuals who drink less amount of water which in turn causes the uric acid (a component of urine) to become more acidic. This may lead to the formation of kidney stones and hampers its functioning.
Some medical conditions such as urinary tract infections, Crohn’s disease, medullary sponge kidney increase the chances of kidney stones.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones generally remain symptom less until it moves to the ureter. Some common symptoms are
- Bloody urine
- Severe pain in the groin region
- Nausea and vomiting
- Micturition is low
- There is pus in the urine
- Burning micturition
- An urgency to pass urine
- Fever and chills
What are the Home Remedies for Kidney Stones?
1. Water

As dehydration is the most common cause of kidney stones so drink plenty of water and it is one of the easiest ways to prevent and treat kidney stones. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day. You should also drink coconut water, carrot juice, and lemon juice. Lemon juice breaks down the calcium deposits and its growth which is the main cause of kidney stones. Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning may help in the breakdown of kidney stones.
2. Pomegranate

Pomegranate has antioxidant and astringent properties that are thought to reduce the chances of developing kidney stones. It also contains compounds that increases the pH of urine and makes it harder for stones to form. Eat one pomegranate or drink one glass of its freshly prepared juice daily. Add pomegranate in a fruit salad.
3. Watermelon

Watermelon is the best way to treat kidney stones which are composed of magnesium and calcium phosphates. Vitamins, and minerals present in it are essential ingredients for healthy kidneys that flush out the deposited materials from the kidneys. It maintains the uric acid level in the urine and reduces its acidity. High content of water in it helps in flushing out the stones from the kidneys. Regular intake of watermelon can prevent kidney stones formation.
4. Onion

Onion acts as a flavoring compound that is also the rich source of chromium which helps in maintaining the proper metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It reduces the acidity of the uric acid crystals and neutralizes the urine.
5. Basil

Basil is called as the healthy tonic for the kidneys. Thus, it is good for the organs and maintains the overall health of the body. It induces the expulsion of stone from the urinary tract. Mix a teaspoon of basil juice and honey. Consume it daily in the morning for 4 to 5 months. You can also chew the basil leaves daily.
6. Garlic

Garlic has the antidiuretic property that improves the proper functioning of kidneys. This also helps to reduce the inflammation thereby helps in maintaining the kidney health. It balances Vata and Kapha dosha and increases Pitta dosha. This herb also relieves abdominal colic pain and reduces swelling and pedal edema. It is also useful in relieving anorexia.
7. Cabbage

Intake of high dietary fibers which includes cabbage and other leafy vegetables are helpful in preventing kidney stones formation. It is a rich source of phytochemicals and is rich in vitamin C and D. This vegetable also helps in the proper metabolism of phosphorous in the kidneys.
Some Other Effective Home Remedies
- Olive oil is very effective and is proven safe for the kidneys. So, use olive oil for cooking.
- Soak the vegetables in water before cooking for at least one hour, as it reduces the potassium levels in the body.
- Basil leaves acts as immunity modulator and is a very good antioxidant.
- Consume green tea, being a strong antioxidant is good to have it.
Some Tips for Preventing Kidney Stones
- Recommendation of boiled food and vegetables
- Eat food in a less quantity at a time and it is better to avoid heavy, oily and spicy diets.
- Avoid diet containing potassium such as banana, mushroom, yogurt, kidney beans and spinach.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Avoid the intake of salt or you may take it in a less quantity.
- Do Pranayam regularly, as it balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Kapal Bhati acts as a natural blood purifier that cleanses the blood and removes toxins from the body. Asanas such as uttanpadasana, is a natural massager for the kidneys as it works by contracting the spine.