Ayurvedic Treatment for Vocal Cord Cancer
Vocal cords are two flaps of muscles that lie at the entrance of the trachea. When we speak, these flaps create vibrations and produce sound. Due to our dietary and lifestyle changes, we can end up with vocal cord cancer. These cancers may be malignant or non-malignant in nature. Both cancerous and non-cancerous.
Tumors can grow in or around muscles, cartilages or nerves of the voice box. According to Ayurveda, we can correlate these cancers to Arbuda.
Causes of Vocal Cord Cancer
- Aahara karana’s (Dietary habits) – Consumption of carcinogenic substances like – alcoholic beverages, junk foods, polluted water, processed meat etc.
- Vihara karana’s (Lifestyle behavior) – Sedentary lifestyle, excessive exposure to sunlight.
- Mansik karana’s (Mental status) – Stress and strains.
- Environmental factors – Air pollution – mists and pollen.
- Occupational hazards – Occupational exposure to inorganic acids like – sulfuric acid etc. Those who work in rubber and glass industries, painters are more susceptible to producing carcinoma.
- Genetic factors – If there is any family history of throat cancer, they are more susceptible.
- Metastasis – It may be a metastatic growth or secondary growth.
- Abhighata – Any History of Trauma.
Signs and Symptoms of Vocal Cord Cancer
Symptoms of vocal cord cancer may include
- Dysphonia – Most people with voice complaints have benign cancer.
- Dysarthria – Slow speech that can be difficult to understand.
- Dysphagia – Person feels difficulty to swallow.
- Odynophagia – Pain while swallowing.
- Heartburn – Occurs due to delayed digestion.
- Protruded mass – Cancerous growth, which can be malignant or non-malignant.
- Inflammation – Swelling which can be internal or external.
- Pain – Localized pain.
- Feeling of congestion.
- Few cancer patients may end up with vocal cord paralysis, which is due to the involvement of the Vagus nerve.
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Loss of gag reflex.
- Hoarseness of voice.
- Chocking with swallowing food.
- Delayed growth
Pathogenesis as Per Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda Vocal cord cancer results from improper dietary and lifestyle behaviors, genetic factors, all leading to vitiation of Tridoshas, which gets lodged in Dhatus and also vitiates them and produces signs and symptoms like – dysphagia, swelling, etc. These growths or cancers may be malignant or non-malignant in nature, or these may be metastatic growths.
Reference – Sushruta Samhita / nidaanstahan / chapter no. 11/ shloka no.3)
The meaning of this quotation goes as
↓ (lifestyle errors and trauma, etc)
leads to vitiation of Tridoshas (especially Vata and Kapha)
↓ (get localized in)
throat especially, affects vocal cord
↓ (also vitiates)
twak, rakta, mamsa, meda dhatu
↓ (produces symptoms)
swelling, pain, growth. etc
Vocal cord cancer
Types of Vocal Cord Cancer
Vocal cord cancer may of 5 types, according to Ayurveda and they are
- Vattaj – If a person is suffering from Vataj type of Vocal cord cancer, then symptoms will be – pricking pain, blackish in color, hard to touch, may or may not be fluid filled (whitish thin fluid), irregular growth.
- Pittaj – If a person is suffering from Pittaja type of Vocal cord cancer, then symptoms will be – Burning sensation in throat, hyperesthesia, fastly grows up, redness, inflammation etc.
- Kaphaja – If a person is suffering from Kaphaja type of Vocal cord cancer then symptoms will be – on touch it will be cold, less pain, itching, hard on touch.
- Medaj – If a person is suffering from Medaja type of vocal cord cancer then symptoms will be – unctuous in nature, bigger in growth, less pain, it grows with body growth.
- Siraj – Veins will be predominant, may be mobile growth.
- Endoscopy – Endoscopes allow viewing the vocal cords directly or on a video, monitor to determine the size, structure and underlying tissue.
- Blood tests
- Scans – MRI, CT – Scan, X – rays
- Biopsy – To rule out malignancies.
Management Criteria
- Avoid the root cause.
- Shodhana chikitsa – Purification of the body.
- Restrict the growth of cancer by means of Shaman chikitsa.
- Enhance immunity.
- Diet and lifestyle modifications.
Treatment Aspect
- Nidana parivarjana – Avoiding the root cause.
- Shodhana Chikitsa (Purification measure)
- Shamana chikitsa (Internal medications) – Internal medications which are beneficial in this condition are
Here Herbal Preparations are
- Haldi / Haridra (Curcuma longa) – Curcumin is the main active ingredient of haridra and supports cell growth.
- Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) – Guduchi has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which will help to reduce swelling and pain.
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – It is a generalized health tonic which helps to boost immunity.
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) – As it is one of the brain tonics, it helps to nourish neurons and maintains hormonal balance in our body which in turns support cell growth.
- Kanchanaar (Bauhinia variegata) – Kanchanaar is the best medicine to reduce and restrict the growth of cancerous cells.
- Sariva (Indian sarsparrila) – helps to pacify Pitta dosha in our body, thus interferes with the proliferation and progression of cells.
- Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) – This is helpful to maintain the immune system.
- Shilajeet (Asphlatum) – Shilajeet helps to maintain cell structure and functions.
- Yashtimadhu – as it is a kanthya medicine, soothes the oral tract, which helps to ease the food intake.
- Triphala – Amalaki, vibhitaki, and haritaki these herbs are helpful to eliminate toxins from the body.
Rasa Kalpana (Metallic preparations) – Swarna (Gold), Hiraka (Diamond), Rajata (Silver) – these are also helpful medicines to restrict the growth of cancerous cells.
4. Kshaar prayoga (Alkalies) – Kshaar is a special preparation of Ayurveda, in which the herbal products converted into ashes by means of processing with some herbal decoctions. They can be used orally or may be local application can also be advised.
Home Remedies Which Can Be Useful
- Gargles are helpful by adding a pinch of turmeric in lukewarm water.
- You can chew kanchnaar leaves, tulsi leaves on a daily basis on an empty stomach.
- Avoid exposure to carcinogenic substances.
- Add yoga and meditation as a part of your life.
- Avoid excessive spicy, cold, junk foodstuffs and alcohol.