Oil Massage For Vata Balance
Oil massage was described in ayurveda as abhyanga. Abhyanga is very important part in dinachrya (healthy daily routine).

Abhyangam aachret nityam sa jarashramvatah drusti prasad pushti aayu susvapnatwakdradhyakrut. Ashtang sangrah sutrasthan
Oil massage should done everyday, its beneficial for everyone.
- Jara – old age person (anti ageing)
- Shram – tired person
- Vatah – vata balance
- Drushti prasad – improve eye vision
- Pusti aayu – increase aayu (long life)
- Suswapna – help in natural sleep
- Twakdrudhyakrut – strength skin texture, Strength body internally and externally, Nourishing all body
Doing self massage everyday is very beneficial for everyone.
Ayurveda is explain medicated oil massage according to disease, some of the ayurvedic oil are mention below:-
- Narayan thailam
- Mahanarayan thailam
- Nalpamaradi thailam
- Rasnadi thailam
Take till tailam (sesam oil) – 50 to 60 ml and apply to all part of the body, rub oil over the skin ,then leave it and take morning sun bath around 15 min then take hot water bath (avoid head).