How to Treat Diabetic Neuropathy with Herbal Remedies?
As diabetes is becoming a common problem, it’s one of the complications diabetic neuropathy is also common. It is a condition where your nerves get damaged. They are not able to carry information from the spinal cord to the brain. Your nervous system becomes weak.
Most of the people lose hope when they know about diabetic neuropathy. So please don’t take tension because God had gifted us a beautiful nature that contains various herbs. These herbs, will manage this condition easily. From these herbs we can make effective natural remedies that have the power to reverse your condition.
According to Ayurveda Diabetic neuropathy is the complication of diabetes known as prameh or madhumeh. The vataj and pittaj type of prameh is responsible for diabetic neuropathy. Due to the aggravation of excess vata and pitta dosha in the body it occurs. Let’s discuss few shlokas of Shushruta samhita given below:
वातातसर्पिसाक्षौद्रहस्तिमेहाश्चत्वारों असाध्यतमा :महात्ययिकत्वात। (सु. नि ६ /१० )
According to this shloka in vataj prameh aggravation of vata dosha give rise to four types of prameh (sarpimeh, vasameh, kshodrmeh, and hastimeh). Due to the destruction of all dhatus in the body its treatment is not possible.
पित्ता नीलहरिद्रा अम्ल क्षारमंजिष्ठाशोणितमेहा : षड याप्या :, दोषदूष्याणां विषमक्रियत्वात। (सु. नि ६ /९ )
According to this shloka of Shushruta Pittaj Prameh from pitta dosha are neelmeh, haridrameh, amalmeh, ksharmeh, manjisthameh, and raktmeh these six types of prmeh are formed. As per dosha and dushyas these all six types are yapya (not properly curable).
These two shlokas describe about the main culprits of diabetic neuropathy.
अत ऊध्र्वं वातनिमित्तान वक्ष्याम : सर्पि : प्रकाशम सर्पिमेही मेहति। वसाप्रकाशम वसामेही। क्षौद्ररसवर्णं क्षौद्रमेही। मत्तमातडंगवदनुप्रबन्धं हस्तिमेही मेहति। (सु. नि ६ /१४ )
This shloka represents the color of urine due to excess aggregation of vata in the body. Vata predominant patient passes urine, like ghee. Vasamehi patient passes urine, like fats in the body. Kashodrmehi patient passes urine, like the color of honey and hastimehi passes urine, like hasti.
अत ऊध्र्वं पित्तनिमित्तान वक्ष्याम :- सफेनमचछम नीलं नीलमेही मेहति। सदाहं हरिद्राभं हरिद्रमेही।
अम्लरसगंधमाम्लमेही। स्रुतक्षारप्रतिमम क्षारमेही। मंजिष्ठोदकप्रकाशम मंजिष्ठामेही। शोणितप्रकाशं शोणितमेही मेहति। (सु। नि ६ /१३ )
This shloka represents the signs and symptoms of Pittaj
These two shlokas mentioned above tells about the symptoms that are related to diabetic neuropathy patients. For a proper discussion, let’s have a look at the modern aspect of diabetic neuropathy with its signs and symptoms.
![Diabetic Neuropathy](
The Signs and Symptoms are
- Tingling sensation, pain, and numbness in arms, hands, thighs, legs, and feet.
- Digestive issues
- Indigestion
- Nausea or vomiting
- Muscular cramps or pain in the body
- General weakness
- Muscles degeneration in hands and feet
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Urinary issues
- Dryness in the vaginal area of a female
- Erectile dysfunction in males
- Sometimes a sudden drop in blood pressure causes dizziness
Complications in Diabetic Neuropathy Patients are
- Total loss of sensation that occurs in small joints of the feet. This may cause joint deformity.
- Nerve damage can cause loss of sensation in feet. Minor foot sores when turning into ulcers develop gangrene. At last, amputation is needed.
- When your nerves that control your bladder gets damaged. The bladder will not get fully empty and bacteria growths take place. This causes urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence.
- A sudden drop in blood pressure and sugar levels.
- Excessive sweating during night time or while eating.
Natural Remedies in Diabetic Neuropathy Condition
Nature plays an important role to fight against various diseases. The herbs in nature work on our diseases and treat them from the root cause. Planet Ayurveda offers three products that deal with the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy patients. These products are Ashwagandha capsules, Shilajit capsules, and Chanderprabha
Products Description
1. Shilajit Capsules
The standardized extract of Shilajit (Asphaltum) is used in capsule preparation. It is an amazing remedy for weakness in the body and complications related to diabetic neuropathy condition. These capsules improve general health debility, cardiac functions, and removes toxin out from the body. Numbness, pain, fatigue, tingling sensation, etc, are managed with regular use of these capsules.
Recommended dosage: Two capsules with plain water twice daily.
2. Ashwagandha Capsules
The capsules are prepared from a standardized extract of the herb Ashwagandha (Withania S
Recommended dosage: Two capsules with plain water twice daily.
3. Chanderprabha Vati
These are classical herbal tablets used since ancient time for diabetic issues. These give good results in urinary issues related to diabetic neuropathy patients. With these tablets, all the complications are managed.
Recommended dosage: Two tablets thrice daily with plain water after meals.
Now let’s discuss few home remedies that will manage your diabetic neuropathy condition quickly:
- Prepare fresh juice of spinach and carrot. Drink this mixture daily for strengthening your overall nervous system and painful conditions.
- Chew some fennel seeds or prepare a decoction of these seeds. Take one teaspoon of fennel seeds to boil in two cups of water until one cup of water remains. Strain the mixture, let it cool down. Drink this mixture twice daily.
- Take the chopped slice of ginger in two cups of water. Boil the mixture until it reduced to one cup. Strain the mixture and drink this hot ginger tea. This will help to reduce your nerve damage and inflamed conditions.
- Flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids so take one teaspoon twice daily. It will heal your damaged nerves, prevent inflammation and nerve damage.
- Gently massage your affected area of the feet, hands, arms, thighs etc with castor oil. This will help to reduce pain and inflammation condition.
Healthy Tips for Diabetic Neuropathy Patients
- Do practice yoga asanas like ardh matsyendrasana, dhanurasana, vakrasana, halasana etc.
- Relax your mind and body with meditation.
- Take a warm bath for relaxing your body.
- Include a healthy diet in daily routine.
- Take care of your feet if they are the most affected by diabetic neuropathy.