How to Overcome Crohn’s Disease Naturally?

Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, which is characterized by the inflammation and ulcerations on any part along the digestive tract.

inflamation in intestines

In people suffering from Crohn’s disease, some parts of the digestive system become swollen and develop ulcers (deep sores). The disease generally affects the distal part of the small intestine (ileum) and the colon (large intestine) that is, the portion of the digestive tract which marks the end of the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine. However, it can also affect any other part of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the mouth, stomach or anus.

Crohn’s disease is closely related to Ulcerative Colitis, which is also a chronic inflammatory condition that involves only the colon. Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis are together classified as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Some of the main symptoms indicating the occurrence of Crohn’s disease include abdominal pain, bloating or cramping, gas, mouth ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in stool (rectal bleeding), bowel obstruction, anal fissures, fever, fatigue, reduced appetite, and weight loss. Moreover, the disease may also cause skin rashes, inflammation of the eye, arthritis, lack of concentration, and other complications outside the gastrointestinal tract.

The exact reason for the occurrence of Crohn’s disease is not known. Nevertheless, the disease is believed to be caused by genetic factors, an abnormal immune system response, viruses, bacteria, mental stress or smoking.

Crohn’s Disease: Ayurvedic Perspective

According to Ayurveda, Crohn’s disease is comparable to Grahani disease, which affects the small intestine (particularly ileum and jejunam), and leads to inflammation because of the imbalance of the body’s three doshasVata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Crohn’s disease, in initial stages, is caused by the vitiation of a Vata. The disease is usually considered a Vata pushing Pitta disorder which is linked to inflammation and poor digestion, resulting from fermentation and stagnation of food in the cecum (a pouch that connects to the intersection of the small and large intestines).

Ayurvedic experts believe that the occurrence of Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders is linked to Mandagi (poor digestion and poor appetite), improper diet habits, consumption of junk food, and the condition of diarrhea and irritable bowels.

How to Overcome Crohn’s Disease Naturally?

Crohn’s disease can be overcome naturally with the help of some time-tested home remedies, which generally involve a change in dietary habits. Some of the most effective natural remedies for the management of Crohn’s disease are

1. Resting the Bowel 

  • Resting the bowel is one of the best ways to overcome Crohn’s disease naturally, especially in severe cases. For resting the bowel, people suffering from Crohn’s disease should eliminate the intake of foods that trigger inflammation, and follow an elemental liquid diet for a few days.
  • Resting the bowel is specifically important for excessively malnourished or underweight patients of Crohn’s disease, as well as those suffering from bowel blockages, intestinal obstruction, and stricture (narrowing) in the colon.

2. Stick to a Low-Fiber Diet

Patients of Crohn’s disease should cut back on fiber, and stick to a low-fiber diet. All kinds of high-fiber foods — like whole grains, raw vegetables, and fruits which irritate the intestines, nuts, seeds, and popcorn — should be avoided. The intake of vegetable line beans, onions, legumes, cabbage, and broccoli should also be avoided as they can cause gas, bloating and intestinal pain. Prefer all gourd vegetables. Carrots, turnips, apples, bananas, and pears are also good to have.

3. Avoid Spicy Foods and Carbonated Drinks

Along with avoiding high-fiber foods, it is also advisable to avoid spicy and fatty foods and carbonated drinks, in order to overcome Crohn’s disease naturally. This can enable the intestines to heal and can provide relief from symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping.

4. Eat Smaller Meals and Drink Plenty of Liquids

  • People affected with Crohn’s disease can manage the condition naturally if they take several small meals during the day, instead of three large meals. Eating meals in large quantities can make the digestion of the food difficult, especially when the digestive tract is swollen or inflamed.
  • Moreover, it is also important for people with Crohn’s disease to increase their intake of water, and water-based foods like soups. Drinking plenty of liquids can be beneficial in avoiding dehydration in patients who have a potentially high risk of diarrhea. However, highly acidic fruit juices prepared from citrus fruits, cranberries or pineapple should be avoided as they can aggravate the inflammatory condition.

5. Eat Foods Which Contain Probiotics

  • Probiotics are the ‘good’ bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract and help in the digestion of food. The intake of foods which have Probotics in a bio-available form (for absorption and use by the body) is very beneficial in managing Crohn’s disease naturally because such foods can heal intestinal inflammation and ulcerations.
  • Yogurt is the most common source of Probiotics, and have a therapeutic effect. However, it is also important to remember that the benefits of Probiotics depend on the location and stage of Crohn’s disease, and also on a patient’s sensitivity to dairy products. Only fresh curd and cow ghee is allowed, rest dairy products need to be avoided strictly.

6. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco

In order to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease naturally, patients should avoid alcohol — including hard liquor, beer, and wine — as well as tobacco and caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, and chocolate-based drinks because they can increase inflammation, irritate the intestines, and aggravate diarrhea.

7. Get Enough Vitamin D

  • Some studies have shown that Crohn’s disease can occur due to Vitamin D deficiency also. Hence, people with a genetic disposition to the disease can prevent its occurrence by getting of Vitamin D, which is believed to be a powerful anti-inflammatory vitamin.
  • Since sunlight is one of the best sources of Vitamin D, Crohn’s disease can be managed naturally by getting enough sunlight to relieve the symptoms. However, sunbathing should be avoided, and certain precautions — like the use of sunscreen — should be taken by patients, especially if they are affected by skin disorders.

8. Eat Healthy Fats

For managing Crohn’s disease naturally, it is also important to eat healthy fats because they can promote healing. The common sources of healthy fats are fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel which contain omega-3 fatty acids. Better take them in limitation but. Grilled or baked must be preferred, once in 15 days or so. Daily egg white can be taken.  Add dry fruits – walnuts and almonds. It is advised to take them soaked always to avoid the heat in the body.

Conclusion: Crohn’s disease can be overcome naturally by consuming foods which can be digested easily, and avoiding foods which irritate the digestive tract. However, since different patients may react differently to certain foods, it is important to keep track of the foods which trigger the symptoms of the disease, and chalk out a diet plan accordingly. For expert guidance related to natural remedies for Crohn’s disease, it is advisable to consult an Ayurveda practitioner.