Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy

Some diseases are considered invisible. This adds to a host of problems. One of them is diabetic neuropathy. Life is not over if you are having it. Its treatment is possible with Ayurveda. As we have numerous herb that will work in a good manner to deal with it.

So come, let’s known about the term diabetic neuropathy, which comprises of two words. The word diabetic describes that it is found in diabetic patients and neuropathy means related to nerves. It is considered as a complication of a diabetic patient. The patient having diabetes usually found this diabetic neuropathy. In this peripheral nerves of the body gets damaged and you feel pain, tingling sensation in your hands and feet. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients can be the diagnosed with it.

What are the Different Types of Diabetic Neuropathy and Their Symptoms?

There are mainly four types of diabetic neuropathy that affects your body discussed below in detail

1. Peripheral Neuropathy

This neuropathy affects the peripheral area of your body that includes arms, hands, legs, feet, and toes. if this neuropathy is ignored that can give birth to ulcers for which you have to do the amputation. The symptoms found in this neuropathy are the loss of sensitivity, burning sensation, painful cramps, tingling sensation, and balance loss.

2. Autonomic Neuropathy

If this neuropathy left untreated then you may not experience low blood sugar levels symptoms. Autonomic neuropathy affects the digestion, the functions of your bladder and bowel, and sexual response. The nerves related to eyes, lungs, heart and its blood vessels are more affected.

3. Focal Neuropathy

This type of neuropathy leads to retinopathy, a focus problem, pain behind the eyes, paralysis, low back ache, double vision, and focus problem. Focal neuropathy weakens any nerve or a bunch of nerves that causes muscle weakness and pain in the body.

4. Proximal Neuropathy

Mostly in type 2 diabetic patient proximal neuropathy takes place. The parts of the body that are affected are legs, thighs, buttocks, and hips. Proximal neuropathy causes pain and weakness of the muscles.

Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy

Some of the common symptoms found in diabetic neuropathy patients are

  • Sharp pains or cramps
  • Numbness and tingling sensation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increased sensitivity to touch
  • Foot problems such as ulcers or infections
  • Joint and Bone Pain
  • Loss of reflexes at the ankle
  • Loss of balance and coordination

Diabetic neuropathy is mostly caused due to metabolic factors, neuromuscular factors, unhealthy lifestyle, age, and genetic factors. These are all the modern aspect of a diabetic neuropathy patient. Now we will discuss in detail the Ayurveda point of view on diabetic neuropathy. As per Ayurvedic view the main doshas that are involved in diabetic neuropathy are vata and pitta dosha. As we are known in Ayurveda diabetes is correlated with prameh. So we will discuss some shlokas that will clear your point of view on Diabetic neuropathy mentioned below

पित्ता नीलहरिद्रा अम्ल क्षारमंजिष्ठाशोणितमेहा : षड याप्या :, दोषदूष्याणां विषमक्रियत्वात। (सु. नि ६ /९ )

According to this shloka of Shushruta Pittaj Prameh from pitta dosha are  neelmeh, haridrameh, amalmeh, ksharmeh, manjisthameh, and raktmeh these six types of prameh are formed. As per dosha and dushyas these all six types are yapya (not properly curable).

वातातसर्पिसाक्षौद्रहस्तिमेहाश्चत्वारों असाध्यतमा :महात्ययिकत्वात। (सु. नि ६ /१० )

According to this shloka vataj prameh aggravation of vata dosha give rise to four types of prameh (sarpimeh, vasameh, kshodrmeh, and hastimeh). Due to destruction all dhatus in the body, it is not curable.

अत ऊध्र्वं पित्तनिमित्तान वक्ष्याम :- सफेनमचछम नीलं नीलमेही मेहति। सदाहं हरिद्राभं हरिद्रमेही।

अम्लरसगंधमाम्लमेही। स्रुतक्षारप्रतिमम क्षारमेही। मंजिष्ठोदकप्रकाशम मंजिष्ठामेही। शोणितप्रकाशं शोणितमेही  मेहति। (सु। नि ६ /१३ )

This shloka represents the signs and symptoms of Pittaj prameh: Due to the aggravation of pitta this prameh occurs. Neelmeh prominent patient passes blue color and foamy urine. Haridrameh patient passes urine with yellow discoloration and burning sensation. Amalmeh patient passes sour urine with foul smell. Ksharmeh patient passes acidic urine. Manjisthameh patient passes urine, like a decoction of herb Manjistha and Shonithmeh patient passes bloody urine.

अत ऊध्र्वं वातनिमित्तान वक्ष्याम : सर्पि : प्रकाशम सर्पिमेही मेहति। वसाप्रकाशम वसामेही। क्षौद्ररसवर्णं क्षौद्रमेही। मत्तमातडंगवदनुप्रबन्धं हस्तिमेही मेहति। (सु. नि ६ /१४ )

This shloka represents the color of urine due to excess aggregation of vata in the body. Vata predominant patient passes urine, like ghee. Vasamehi patient passes urine, like fats in the body. Kashodrmehi patient passes urine, like the color of honey and hastimehi passes urine, like hasti.

मक्षिकोप सर्पण मालसयम मांसो पचय : प्रतिश्याय : शैथिल्या रोचका विपाका : कफ प्रसेक छर्दि निद्रा कास श्वास श्चेति श्लेष्मजा नामु पद्रवा :, वृषण योर वदरणं बस्ति भेदो मेढ़तोदो हृदि शूल म अम्लिका ज्वर अतिसार रोचका वमथु परिधू मायनं दाहो मूर्च्छा पिपासा निद्रा नाश :पाण्डु रोग : पीत विण मूत्र नेत्रत्वं चेति पैत्तिकानाम। हृद ग्रहो लौल्यमनिद्रा स्तम्भ :कम्प : शूलं बद्धपुरीषत्वं चेति वातजानाम। एव मेते विंशति :प्रमेहा : सोपद्रवाव्याख्याता: (सु. नि ६ /१५ )

This shloka represents the complications of diabetic patients: Fatigue, weight gain, nasal congestion, heaviness in the body, indigestion, loss of appetite, sputum, vomiting, sleeping every time, cough, cold, breathlessness these all are complications of a kapha prameh patient. Pain in testes, pain in bladder, tingling sensation in genital areas, belching, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, hyperacidity, pain, excessive thirst, anemia, yellow discoloration in feces, urine, and eyes are all the complications of pittaj prameh patients. Chest pain, insomnia, numbness in the body, tingling sensation, pain, diarrhea etc are the complications of a vataj prameh patient. These all are the complications of twenty types of prameh.

These all shloka represents about the vata and pitta dosha types of prameha that are the basic reason for diabetic neuropathy.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy

Ayurveda is the oldest system of science that deals with various diseases. There are numerous herbs in Ayurveda that can cure acute as well as chronic conditions. So Planet Ayurveda the best healing center has some amazing herbs that will manage your diabetic neuropathy condition.

1. Ashwagandha Capsules

These herbal capsules are prepared from a standardized extract of the herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It strengthens up your overall nervous system. Tingling sensation, numbness, pain, fatigue, etc conditions are managed with these capsules. Ashwagandha capsules improve strength and stamina of an individual. These capsules are an effective remedy for nerve weakness and diabetic neuropathy conditions.

Dosage:  Two capsules with plain water twice daily.

2. Shilajit Capsules

The standardized extract of Shilajit (Asphaltum) is used in capsule preparation. It is a wonderful remedy for weakness in the body and complications related to diabetic neuropathy condition. The capsules build up immunity, improve general health debility, and maintain cardiac functions, removes toxin out from the body.

Dosage: Two capsules with plain water twice daily.

3. Chanderprabha Vati

Chanderprabha vati is classical herbal tablets used since ancient time for various health issues. These tablets are very beneficial in urinary issues related to diabetic neuropathy patients. All the complications are managed with these tablets.

Dosage: Two tablets thrice daily with plain water after meals.

These Ayurvedic products give amazing results in diabetic neuropathy condition. Along with these medicines, you should follow some tips mentioned below

  1. Do workouts like walking, performing yoga asana, playing your favorite outdoor game, swimming etc daily.
  2. Avoid fast and processed food items. You should include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and grams in your daily diet.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking as it is the main reason for nerve damage.
  4. Do meditation daily.
  5. Acupressure and massage your affected areas.