Can Ascites be Treated Naturally?

Ascites (Peritoneal cavity fluid) or hydroperitoneum is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. It is the most common complication of the end-stage liver disorder including cirrhosis of the liver. It is caused by malignancies in the gastrointestinal tract or the ovaries. It might also be caused by heart failure, kidney failure or congestive heart failure. Ascites is also known as abdominal dropsy.
The root cause of ascites is considered to be high pressure in the blood vessels of the liver combined with low levels of protein albumin. When protein leaks from the liver and the intestines, it leads to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
As more and more fluid leaks, a person experiences discomfort, bloating, heaviness and stiffness, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid weight gain, swelling in the abdomen leading to a large belly, swelling in the legs and ankles, pressure on the lungs and loss of appetite or feeling of fullness. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, and dilated veins.
What are the Symptoms of Ascites
- Ascites symptoms can be relieved to a great extent by natural and conventional treatments. These methods have minimum or no side effects and thus they offer a better solution to cure Ascites. The main goal of treatment of ascites is to reduce the prevalence of fluid in the body and to prevent infection.
What are the Natural Remedies for Ascites
Low Sodium Diet:
- It is advised to restrict salt in the diet for faster recovery. This is the most important step to treat ascites. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted whole grains and legumes, helps a lot in treating ascites naturally. Always eat more, smaller meals throughout the day.
Carrot juice and Radish leaves juice:
- Carrot juice helps to treat the symptoms of ascites along with managing the condition by boosting energy levels in the body without adding any extra fluids. A glass of carrot juice should be taken daily by the patient. The juice of fresh radish leaves is very beneficial in controlling the intensity of Ascites. One may mix the juice in water and consume on the daily basis.

Dandelion Root Tea:
- Dandelion Root tea is another effective diuretic which also reduces the inflammation in the liver. Dandelion Root tea increases the frequency of urination and is also packed with potassium, vitamin A, C, and K, along with minerals like calcium, iron and magnesium. Dandelion is a bitter herb, but it aids in digestion as it stimulates the production of digestive juices in pancreas and liver.
How to Make
- Dandelion Root tea can be prepared by boiling the roots or flowers for 30 minutes and consume it daily. One may brew an oz. of dried herb in a cup of water for 10 minutes, strain and drink it with a spoon of honey mixed in it.
Milk Thistle:
- Milk Thistle is a natural liver detox. It can detoxify the body temporarily. The recommended dosage of Milk Thistle is 150 mg, twice a day.
- Garlic is a well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Adding garlic to the meals helps a lot in overcoming ascites symptoms. Half spoon of fresh garlic juice may be mixed with water and consumed twice a day for at least 3 weeks to get the best results.
Bitter Melon juice:
- Bitter melon juice (about 25 ml) should be consumed twice daily to treat ascites.
Fenugreek Seeds:
- Fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight in a cup of water and the water be consumed in the morning on empty stomach.

Certain herbs can reduce the swelling and fluid in the abdomen through their diuretic properties.
Some of the most Effective Herbs in Treating Ascites are listed below:
Licorice Root:
- Licorice is known to possess diuretic properties that may alleviate the fluid buildup and swelling in the abdomen.
Burdock Root:
- Burdock Root Tea is very useful in reducing swelling and fluids from the abdomen. Burdock Root is anti-inflammatory and is used to treat liver and kidney problems for a long time.
How to Make
- The tea can be made by boiling Burdock Root in water and straining it. One can consume 2 cups daily or even take Burdock herb raw on salads.
Phyllanthus Niruri:
- Phyllanthus Niruri is an herb which is very useful in maintaining a healthy liver and digestive system. It helps in treating inflammation of the liver. It could be consumed in capsule form.
Indian Echinacea:
- Indian Echinacea or Kalmegha is a very effective herb in treating Ascites. Its antimicrobial properties help in treating infections and boosts the immunity for overall health. The herb is readily available in capsule form in our store.
- The herb Punarnava is very effective in treating Ascites as it controls swelling and fluid retention in the abdomen. The roots (dried) may be grounded in powdered form and taken with lukewarm water once a day. Punarnava acts as anti-inflammatory and diuretic, thus it relaxes the liver walls and flushes out toxins from the abdominal cavity by increasing the volume and frequency of urine.
Gokhru or Puncture Spine:
- Gokhru is also very effective in treating ascites due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also acts as a diuretic to flush out toxic fluid from the abdominal cavity.
The patients should avoid the consumption of excessive water. They should opt for goat milk or coconut water when thirsty.
Ayurvedic Therapy like Virechna
- Ayurvedic Therapy like Virechna(a part of Panchakarma),is a detoxification therapy that helps to get rid of excessive toxins from the body. It is a purgative therapy wherein the patient is made to consume purgative herbs and vomit out all the toxins, thereby cleansing the system naturally.
What foods to eat and avoid in Ascites
- The patient suffering from Ascites should refrain from processed and packaged foods that have preservatives or toxins. Since the liver is not functioning properly, it cannot detoxify the blood which could lead to complications like hepatic encephalopathy.
- Ascites is a painful condition that can affect the patient’s normal life. Its timely diagnosis and treatment are very important. The conventional treatment relieves excessive fluid buildup through diuretics and liquid restricted diets but as it