Ayurvedic Ways to Stop Dialysis Naturally
This shloka means when the urine gets stuck in the urinary bladder or there is a retention of urine.
As Per Ayurveda Aspect
Chronic kidney disease or renal failure (वृक्क रोग) is a disease of mutravaha srotas (मूत्रवह स्रोतस). All three doshas and dushyas are involved in this disease. Kapha dosha is involved in blocking the microvessels and V
As Per Modern Aspect
The kidney is the most important organ of the body which is very essential and it eliminates the waste products from the body. Chronic renal failure refers to as an irreversible deterioration in the renal function when the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is below 30ml/min. Several diseases such as blood pressure and diabetes are the leading causes of kidney failure.
What Are the Causes of Renal Failure?
- Diabetes (मधुमेह) and high blood pressure (उच्च रक्तचाप) are the main causes of renal failure
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Nephritic syndrome
- Urinary tract infections (मूत्रमार्ग के संक्रमण)
Other Common Causes are
- Heart attack (हृदय रोग)
- Use of illegal drugs
- Urinary tract problems (मूत्रमार्ग की समस्याएं)
What are the Symptoms of Renal Failure?
- Pedal edema (पाद शोफ)
- Itching
- Muscle cramps (मांसपेशियों में ऐंठन)
- Vomiting (वमन)
- Nausea (जी मिचलाना)
- Excessive urination or no urination (मूत्र का अधिक मात्रा में आना या मूत्र न आना)
- Difficulty in sleeping (निद्रा न आना या अधिक आना)
Here are Several Herbs That Stop Dialysis Naturally and Improve the Function of Kidneys
1. Varuna
Varuna is also known as Crataeva nurvala which is an effective and famous ayurvedic herb. This herb is mainly useful in dysuria, migraine, worm infestation, renal stones etc. In Ayurveda, this herb is used to treat urinary tract infections and breaks down renal stones. It is also useful in treating several other Vata imbalance disorders such as paralysis, neuralgia, bloating, constipation etc. In Charaka Samhita, Varuna is also mentioned in the treatment of abdominal tumor (गुल्म), piles (अर्श) and fever (ज्वर). This herb has bitter (Tikta) and astringent (कषाय) taste. It also balances Vata and Kapha Dosha. Its several functions are mentioned in Ayurveda, it has several functions such as गुरु (heavy), स्निग्ध (Oily), उष्ण (hot potency).
2. Gokshura
Gokshura is an ancient herb which is used for thousands of years and has immense medicinal properties. Its Latin name is Tribulus
3. Punarnava
Punarnava is the most effective and famous rejuvenating herb used in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. This herb works as a Rasayana for the body and several reproductive organs. In chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, this herb maintains water metabolism and treats pedal edema. It also maintains the proper functioning of liver, heart, and kidneys. Being an excellent diuretic, it is useful in treating high blood pressure. Its other main function as mentioned in Ayurveda such as it is useful in toxic conditions (ग्रह विष), speeds up the wound healing process (व्रणहर) and also improves the digestion process (दीपनी).
4. Bhumyamalaki
Bhumyamalaki is an important ayurvedic herb which protects the kidneys and liver. Being a diuretic, this herb reduces the level of urea and creatinine in the body and also improves the functioning of kidneys. It acts as a laxative which is helpful in treating diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction prepared from this plant acts as a blood purifier and also treats skin infections. The effect of this herb on kidneys and liver diseases had been clinically studied. The internal use of this herb is also beneficial in several gastrointestinal ailments such as hyperacidity, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and constipation. In menstrual-related disorders such as leucorrhea and menorrhagia, this herb is very effective.
5. Shirisha
Shirisha is the most useful and important herb used in the treatment of various disorders. This herb is also indicated in snake bite poisoning. Being an antioxidant, this herb is used to clean and detoxify the sense organs. Of all the herbs used, this herb is very effective in treating the effect of poison. It is also useful in healing the non-healing wounds, eczema, vitiligo, and other skin related disorders.
6. Shigru
Shigru is a well-known herb for its V
7. Apamarg
Apamarg is the most powerful herb used to treat fistula, tumors, obesity, abdominal colic pain, ascites, and urinary stones. Its botanical name is Achyranthes
The use of above given herbs will help in keeping your kidney healthy and reduce the sitting of dialysis.