Why Run? The Health Benefits of Running

The human body was designed to move as evidenced by 360 joints in the human skeletal system and exercise is critical to maintaining optimal health.

Exercise has been an important part of Ayurvedic routine for thousands of years before it became a modern fad as it helps in getting rid of stiffness and heaviness of the body by burning Ama (toxins) and creates flexibility, smoothness, and easiness in the body.

Nowadays, running and jogging is a popular form of physical activity. The difference between running and jogging is the intensity. Running is faster and demands more effort from the heart, lungs, and muscles than in jogging.

Running is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means ‘with oxygen’. Any aerobic exercise means the physical activity that produces energy by combining oxygen with blood glucose or body fat.

What is the Best Time for Running According to Ayurveda?

Ayurveda recommends exercises as an important part of the daily routine. Exercises such as running are recommended during the Kapha time of the day i.e. between 6:00 A.M. to 10.00 A.M.

  • This time is suitable for running because the qualities of exercise oppose the qualities of Kapha, being active during this time of the day can counteract sluggishness, heaviness etc.

What are the Health Benefits of Running?

1. Cardiovascular Health: All aerobic activities are good for the heart including running. The more the people run, the healthier their hearts tend to be.

  • Running strengthens the heart muscles and increases the efficiency of the heart to pump oxygen throughout the body.
  • Running for just 5-10 minutes in a day can keep the heart strong and healthy and could add years to your life as running helps in proper functioning of the heart, help in mobilizing the fat and prevent artery clogging.

2. Aid in weight loss: For weight loss, running is an excellent work out as it helps in burning the calories.

  • Running helps in mobilizing the fat and reduces the visceral fat.
  • For weight loss, running is more effective than walking. 
  • Running helps in weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate and consequently burning more calories.

3. Strengthens Bones and Joints: Running helps in strengthening the bones and joints.

  • It also reduces the risk of osteoarthritis and strengthens the intervertebral disc.
  • Running has greater effects on bone density than other activities.
  • It increases bone mass and helps in preventing age-related bone loss.
  • Running does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis as it helps to strengthen the bones and the cartilage.

4. Preventing High Blood Pressure: The arteries expand and contract while running which helps in keeping the arteries fit and blood pressure in the normal range.

5. Improves Mental Well-Being: Running is not only good for the body but it also works wonder for mental and emotional health as well.

  • It not only helps in combating stress and anxiety but also enhances the mood.
  • Regular aerobic exercise such as running helps in keeping the mind sharp.
  • Some people run to improve their mood by inducing the production of feel-good hormones.

6. Improves Lungs Health: Running improves the circulation of blood as blood vessels dilate and therefore the capacity of the lungs increases.

  • As a result, lungs, vessels, capillaries, and cells adapt to a higher level of energy expenditure which results in better respiratory health.
  • Running helps in improving the oxygen capacity of the lungs and in turn the whole body.

7. Skin Problems: Running barefoot on the green grass is also very beneficial as the acupressure points which are present on the feet get pressed.

  • It helps in healing acne and other diseases.

8. Fighting Depression: Regular running helps in stimulating the release of serotonin which is as effective as psychotherapy and helps in treating depression.

9. Helps in the assimilation of Vitamin D: By running in the sun, one is able to get good dose of Vitamin D.

  • Vitamin D is important for bones, skin, and immunity.
  • Most of the population of the world is Vitamin D deficient due to lack of proper sun exposure.
  •  So, get up early in the morning and run to get a good dose of Vitamin D.

10. General Well-Being: People who run have a healthier body because it is a highly intense aerobic activity.

  • So, running can be adopted as a basic workout routine and the results are amazing.
  • By running, there is an exercise of all the body muscles.
  • Running also acts as a good energy booster.

11. Reduces the risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular physical activity such as running has been shown to improve the sensitivity of insulin, improve the cardio-vascular health etc.

  • It also helps in reducing belly fat which significantly lowers the risk of chronic disorders.

12. Improves the quality of Sleep: Running helps the individuals to rest better and to have good sleep.

  • It helps in getting better sleep and feeling more energetic when awake.

13. Protects the brain from aging: Aerobic activities such as running buffers against the aging effects of the brain.

  • Running reduces the shrinking of the brain and aids in the prevention of brain aging.
  • Therefore, it helps in increasing the life span.

14. Alleviates Anxiety: Running is one of the most vigorous exercises that helps in reducing anxiety symptoms and helps in relaxation of the mind.

  • Therefore, running acts as a good medication to relieve anxiety.

Some General Tips for Beginners:

  • For a beginner, it is necessary to be physically fit. The physical check-up by the doctor is especially important if you have a chronic illness or haven’t exercised for a long time.
  • For beginners, start with brisk walking.
  • Make sure, you warm and stretch thoroughly before running and cool your body with light stretches when you return from running.
  • Take plenty of fluids and take a water bottle while running and drink plenty of water before, during and after any activity.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing.
  • Wearing an appropriate pair of shoes while running is also necessary.